Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Classic Song 5 - Return To Forever "Hymn of the 7th Galaxy"

Let's talk about classic music.

As a matter of fact, let's talk about classic jazz fusion.

Whatever that muddy term really means, to me, jazz fusion was
and is personified by acts like Mahavishnu Orchestra, Herbie Hancock
and my own, personal favorite, the original Return To Forever, 
featuring a truly stunning four piece lineup, including one of
my favorite guitarists, Bill Connors.

Have a look at a 'live' version of "Hymn of the 7th Galaxy"
after having a look at one of my favorite places on earth.

Mozz the Elder


1 comment:

  1. Mozz......this is the best fusion example for sure. Gaye Delorme told me of Bill Connors before this came out.....so I was forwarned. I love his tone on this track and the rest of the LP. I wish he continued in this style. Strange to see Stanley Clarke playing a Ricky. Thanks for posting.
